Saturday, May 11, 2013

Pondering an Age Old Question!

“Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.” ~Proverbs 11:25 English Standard Version

After a great day of connecting with people at our semi-annual clothes give away event where we gather together gently and lovingly cared for clothes in order to bless those in our community I am sitting in front of my computer simply exhausted.

Exhausted but so very gratified indeed!

You know, the most wonderful thing about giving to others is the reality that we are blessed often more than the ones receiving the blessing. Today was no exception. Time and time again as people came in I was able to greet them and direct them to the place where the clothes and goodies were awaiting their arrival. As I watched people arrive from all walks of life I wondered about an age old question that I have often asked myself and that is…

“Would anyone care IF this small church community that God has called me to failed to exist?”

I have been told by colleagues and experts alike that this is a very fundamental question that churches of all sizes and shapes should consider from time to time. It is a question that certainly challenges me as I think about the future and how to engage our community of faith in reaching out to our community.

I must admit that this is a very difficult perspective to think about because it is often very difficult to measure. Yes, it is a bit easier to think through when considering where everyone is in their lives of faith within the community. But it is another thing to think about when it comes to the community and its perspectives on our impact where God has called us to engage for His plans and purposes.

However, today we were given just a little glimpse. A young lady from a bit of a tough place in life walked through the doors and I immediately recognized her. You see, she was someone who has been to each and every one of our previous clothes giveaways. Her and her two companions all went to the sanctuary and rooted around for clothes and other items that they could use, and some that were “just because” kind of goodies!

As they walked around, one of our wonderful ladies working in the sanctuary recognized her as well and she began talking with her as she continued to shop around. As they walked and talked together scouring for those things that “fit” the bill she turned and said,

“You know I really rely on this event every year. I don’t know how we would make it without this blessing!”

Now, in that moment through some very innocent talk and connection God gave us a little glimpse into that often tough to consider question. You see, for this young lady and her companions this simple, small event in the calendar of life was something they truly needed. They needed it, looked forward to it, and received an incredible blessing because a few people took a few hours out of their lives to give back.

You know, sometimes we often can feel like the things we do, and the effort we put into the things that God calls us to can easily go unnoticed in the grand scheme of life. But today I was once again reminded that no matter how big, no matter how small, when we engage our world with the right heart and attitude God can do big things!

True, I am pretty tired and exhausted but I can honestly say I cannot wait for the next time I see this young lady. It will probably be the fall and the leaves will be turning a variety of colours but God willing we will be there to greet her and to hopefully make her life’s journey just a bit easier!


  1. “Small Church”
    In our eyes, all that God sets into motion, is opposite of what we think it should be. He sent his Son, who was with Him in the heavens, to be with us as a servant to all. To lead with love and grace and mercy confused the men and women in the day, and today. So when I hear the term “small church” my mind hears “power church”.
    It is when those whom attend a small church realize that it is not by the numbers in the congregation, but by the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit, that a small church becomes a powerful church. The strength and wisdom is found in the word, the direction is found in prayer, joy and freedom is found in the worship and the courage to press on has been laid out by Christ himself.
    It is a small church that CAN give cloths to those that do not have, feed are hungry, stand with the broken in comfort, pray for the lost, and be the hand that leads and the hand that serves. It is the small church that CAN come together in prayer and KNOW that things are changing because they are walking in the authority of the Creator Himself.
    The beautiful part about the small church is simply this. When called to action, a small elite force operates more effectively and efficiently than a 5000 strong congregation. Unfortunately this takes 2 understandings. 1) The small church does not perceive itself as a week body of Christ and 2) that it is each member’s responsibility to be prepared to take action.
    1Peter5:8 Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
    Peter had it right because the devil is the enemy of the small church, it should not be our perception.
    Well done, those who took the time to help out those who needed. May you all be richly blessed.
    In His Name

    from Bruce Campbell
    for some reason he couldn't get this to work with his computer

  2. Yes I totally agree... it is interesting how we value the church in worldly terms by the size of the congregation. It is not the size... it is the heart, the passion, and the relationship the people have with their Heavenly Father that is much more valuable than any amount of numbers.


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