“Now in this way those who
are trusted with something valuable must show they are worthy of that trust.” ~1st Corinthians
4:2 NCV
morning as I sit in my office looking out at the rain soaked world just outside
my door I came across this quote in a book I am personally reading through each
the quote:
“Hide not your talents. They for use were
made. What is a sundial in the shade?” ~Benjamin Franklin
quote got me thinking about the gifts and talents that I am privileged to see
around me, each and every day as a pastor of God’s people. Every day I am
around people, young and old, who have bee extraordinarily gifted in one area
or another.
the challenge is simply this, and that is most people I know do function in
their area of giftedness!
reality is so many of us are often living out our lives just making a living
and not making an impact. Time and time again I talk with people who are
frustrated, bitter, and even angry about the way the trajectory of their lives are going!
Unfortunately for far too many of us we wind up finding ourselves working for a
living in order to simply make ends meet instead of making an impact with the
gifts and talents that God has placed in our lives!
London once said:
“The dream never stops, just the dreamer. The
song never stops, just the singer!” ~Pastor and Author H.B. London
let me ask you a few personal questions as you read through this blog today.
“Have you stopped dreaming?
“Have you simply settled for less than the
best that God desires for you in this journey of life and faith?”
“Have you stopped using your gifts and talents
to make a positive impact on this world that God created?”
if you find yourself nodding your head to any of the above, or all of the
above, then may I simply encourage you today? The truth is it is never too late
to make a U-turn in the journey. After all it truly is about the journey and
not the destination!
in order to move forward, in order to make that change of direction each one of
us needs to do a couple of things!
- Make a decision to change!
- Make a plan for change!
- Work the plan according to God’s plans and purposes for our lives!
this may seem like a very simplistic plan and a little rigid for some of us,
but allow me to let you in on a little secret. No one in this journey will ever
make the kind of change to living within their giftedness without a plan. The
reality is as it has been said before, “Those who fail to plan, plan to fail.”
Without direction we will ultimately wind up back where we started or worse for
that matter.
desires for us to use the talents and gifts he has given to us to make a
difference in his church and in the world he created! But it takes a plan,
bathed in prayer and wise counsel to make the kind of change that I am writing
about. Personally, I do not want to be that dreamer who just let’s the dream
fade away. I don’t want to be that singer (even though I cannot carry a tune)
who let’s the song quietly slip away.
Michael Jordan once said:
“Don’t live down to expectations. You have to
expect things of yourself before you can do them.” ~ Michael Jordan NBA
is the day, no matter the weather, no matter the circumstances, no matter the
challenges. You can do it! You can live out the purposes for your life starting
with a simple decision!
Simply decide
today that you are not going to be a sundial in the shade any longer!
for God’s leading in all our lives…
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