Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Life's Purpose!

The Bible says… “Obsession with self in these matters is a dead end; attention to God leads us out into the open, into a spacious, free life.” ~Romans 8:6 Message Paraphrase

This morning sitting in my office I was once again nudged to begin writing in my blog. I have been neglecting this because of recent health issues (surgery) and because I have really not felt like I had anything I needed to contribute of value.

I know time is precious; I was reminded of that again last night through a late night conversation with someone whose friend had lost a child. Life is short! Life is fleeting!

BUT life is also exciting and exhilarating when we understand our personal reason for being. Rick Warren in his book… “The Purpose Driven Life” which I have read and re-read several times states that:

“Focusing on ourselves will NEVER reveal our life’s purpose.” (pg.18)

As a pastor and a human being I have not only lived out an opposite reality to this, I have watched many good people do the same. For many the pursuit of life’s purposes is solely situated on the 14 square feet of space taken up on this planet that surrounds us! We search for meaning in life through marriage, through the careers we choose, through our hobbies and activities, and through a host of other avenues!

BUT the reality is… each of these is just an avenue to LIVE OUT the purposes for which each and every one of us was created. We were NOT created for ourselves, for our own glory, for our own success or good fortune!

The REALITY is our purpose in life from a biblical standpoint is to live in relationship with the ONE who created us and who loves us! We were created for God’s plans and purposes and until we allow that to occur in our lives we will constantly be living our lives in a place where things will never make sense.

God has a plan and purpose for all of us… to live in right relationship with Him during the time He has granted us on this planet. And to live for His plans and purposes wherever we find ourselves on this journey we are all on together.

It is only in this place where we find the freedom I see so many people seeking. God is not some cosmic kill-joy in the clouds; He is actually the exact opposite. He longs to engage life with you, to lead, guide, and direct our paths so that we fulfill His purposes which are sometimes beyond our human understanding!

Living for His plans and purposes,

Rev Trev

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