Friday, March 1, 2019

March is Brain Injury Awareness Month!

Today, March 1 begins Brain Injury Awareness Month! 

Throughout the month, I will be posting about a journey that God has just opened the doors to since the closing of our church community. Here is today's post about some amazing news that came my way this past week.

So, one of the things that we have discovered in this journey that we never saw coming for us as a family is most of the movement towards finding assistance has come from our actively seeking out help beyond what the traditional medical system has offered us.

In my situation as many of you know, it took 3 months before I was able to see a specialist and that only happened through God opening doors when we responded to a FB post from the Watson Centre for Brain Health. They had a seminar on nutrition and brain health, and we were desperate to find anything that could help us in the recovery process. Through responding to the post on FB I was introduced to Josh Poirier the Executive Director who upon hearing about my injury invited me to come for a free assessment to see if their program could help me in my journey. However, after spending an interesting and challenging afternoon going through the assessment it was determined that I was too early in my recovery for the program to be of any positive benefit. Needless to say, I was devastated! I had really placed a lot of hope in the reality that this would be something that would assist me to get back to ‘normal’ life (if there is such a thing). I completely understood the reasons why this was not the right timing but when you are desperate for direction and healing from an injury to the brain it isn’t always easy to hear that kind of news.

Well, flash forward to this week. This past Sunday we attended the final service for the church community that we had led and loved for the past sixteen years. It was a day of strong emotion, grieving and also rejoicing and celebration. Then over the first couple of days of this week I spent time with some faithful people tearing down the memories of that journey as we cleaned out the rental space we had been privileged to use the past nine years. It goes without saying that this was a difficult time seeing the building bare of the hopes and dreams that were evident in the banners, and items that adorned the walls and hallways.

By Wednesday I was feeling worn out, tired, mentally fatigued and drained. But an interesting event was on my calendar for the day: an appointment with Josh. We had attempted to connect over the course of the past few weeks when he noticed that I had signed up for another seminar at the Watson Centre. But with the crazy weather (snow in the Vancouver area) things never worked out until this past Wednesday when I had my first new appointment for physiotherapy at Fortius Sport and Health which is another post for another day.

Well, to make a long story much shorter after meeting with Josh and discussing where my journey was at seven months later, I was invited to a trial the week of March 11 to once again determine if they can support me in my recovery. Needless to say, I am very excited and hopeful as this seems to be another example of God’s timing being way better than my own! On Monday and Wednesday of that week I will be once again going through the process and then we will gather together and discuss the future. I appreciate all and every prayer for this time as we continue to work towards recovery from this journey that has forever changed me for the better!

Blessings and peace to one and all,

Rev Trev

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