Tuesday, October 6, 2015

TRUST the essence of FAITH!

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.

Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take." 

~Proverbs 3:5-6 nlt

TRUST. An interesting little word isn't it? It's a word that is foundational to our relationships with each other and with God Himself. It's as important to our relationships as air is to the human body. Without the air we breathe nothing would exist. Without TRUST there would be no real life-giving relationships in this world. 

Sometimes I honestly don't give TRUST much thought but lately I have been driven to consider once again its place in our relationships and lives both with each other and as it concerns our relationship with the ONE we place our faith in!

Without TRUST that God is for us - FEAR will be our constant companion. Without TRUST that God will NEVER leave us or forsake us - WORRY becomes our silent partner in all of life's adventures! Without TRUST that God has FORGIVEN us - SHAME and GUILT ride shotgun in our life's journey.

The reality is TRUST is vital to our FAITH and it is vital to our earthly relationships within our families, our churches, our workplaces, wherever we may find ourselves!

BUT here's the thing - TRUST is something that seems very hard to come by for many of us. For whatever reasons we find TRUST hard to hold on to and because of that we spend a great deal of our lives constantly questioning ourselves, those around us, and mostly God Himself.

Yet Solomon, one of the wisest men to have ever stepped foot on this planet gives us a game plan to follow in the 3rd chapter of the wisdom letters in the Old Testament book of Proverbs. And the funny thing is it is a simple plan, but not an easy plan.

TRUST in the Lord with all our hearts - LEAN NOT on our own wisdom or understanding - SEEK His will and not our own!

Three simple things in writing - three amazingly difficult things in practice. 

However IF we want to grow in our relationship with God - a relationship through which all other relationships (earthly) flow than we need to begin to learn how to take these three simple steps to heart. We need to learn how to incorporate them into every area of our lives IF we want to live the kind of lives that God truly desires for us!

Learning to TRUST - LEAN - SEEK!

Rev Trev

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