Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Hardest Verse in the Bible to TRUST!

One of the most challenging verses in all of Scripture for many of us to believe is not the one about creation, the virgin birth, or the resurrection. It's the one that says: "And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it." -1 Corinthians 10:13

This morning I read this statement above in a devotional reading from a book written by author Ann Spangler and I can only say that I have to admit that this statement certainly resonates with me and my life!

You see... personally over the years I have walked with Christ... which are quickly gaining on the years that I have not... I have struggled with TRUSTING God's ability or maybe even His desire to help me when life is tough. When life has been a struggle, when ministry has been tough slugging, when relationships have been going sideways, I have struggled to believe and TRUST that God is willing or capable of intervening... of getting involved!

More often in these moments of the journey of life I have been tempted to turn to myself... to my own personal strength, power, or wisdom to make my way through whatever it is I might be facing along the way.

But how crazy is that!

How simple crazy is it for me to believe some how that my strength and power exceeds that of "El Shadday" (Translates "God Almighty")! The reality is simply this... and that is... this PROMISE found in Paul's letter to a struggling church community in Corinth is also a PROMISE for you and me! And what I need to learn to do in these moments is to TRUST this simple PROMISE and the ONE who is behind the PROMISE!

So... the next time temptation comes your way... or the next time a challenge or struggle comes your way (not "IF" but when) the best thing any of us can possibly do is to call on the name of the ONE who is more than willing to help us make our way through whatever it is we're facing! We need to TRUST in the ONE who is more than capable and who truly desires to see us through the challenges, circumstances, and situations we come across in the journey we are all on together! We need to TRUST God... "El Shadday" to see us through to the other side in a way that grows our character and honours Him along the way!

Trusting in "God Almighty" today...

Rev Trev


  1. this is and probably will be one of the most important scripture for me. I can't explain it, but I 100 % believe in this scripture so much, that I am constantly quoting or paraprasing it to many of those struggling with being overwhelmed with life. I have had many occasions in which he has proved his trust in this!! And I believe Him!!!!

  2. Thanks Keri... I have seen this in your life... and I pray He continues to be your TRUST in all of life!


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