Friday, August 27, 2010

Thinking About LIFE

You know it is really something when we are faced with health issues. Unfortunately for so many of us we take our health for granted and we think very little about eternity in the face of the day to day thing that occupy our lives.
However, when our health turns on us and we are not ourselves the reality of life and death begins to enter our conscious thoughts and daily living. Recently, I have had more than my fair share (according to me) of health issues, and my regular life has been turned upside down by a loss of health, vision, and focus.
During this two year struggle I have taken a lot for granted and realized ever so carefully how fleeting things can be in this world. Now, I know as a person of faith that there is more to this world than we see, but the reality is many of us live with this earthly focus that preoccupies our every waking moments and unfortunately I think we all too quickly realize too late that there is more to our time on this planet than we think or at least assume from a worldly perspective.
Jesus often challenged his disciples to live this gift of LIFE with a heavenly focus so that our time is spent in reaching out to others with the gift of salvation and eternity at the forefront of all that we are involved in on a day-to-day basis. For many of us, this never occurs till it is too late, or at least till we face some difficult waters in the journey.
The reality is simply this... LIFE is short... there are no guarantees on this side of heaven... may we all learn to live with an eternal focus instead of allowing the everyday to cloud our lives!

Food for thot...

Rev Trev

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