Wednesday, April 5, 2017


"In those days Israel had no king; all the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes." ~Judges 17:6 NLT

This is a verse that I often come back to that happened to be in my devotional reading this morning. I am currently reading through the Bible in chronological order. In other words, not book by book but in the order the events actually occurred. It's a fascinating way to read through the Bible and IF you're like most people who pick up the Bible thinking it is written in order front to back this reading plan is certainly one you want to check out.

Check out these resources for more info on a chronlogical reading of the Bible:


This verse is written during a rather dark time in Israelite history. In my study plan it comes right after the story of Samson, one of the judges of Israel during a time when there was no king. Samson's story is a challenging read if one is to read through it with simply a moral Christian worldview. God was with him despite many misfortunes, lies, manipulations, and wanderings. But then again, those were the signs of the times and even God's judges at times had a difficult time following the path God had set before them.

But before we too quickly judge the times and the people of this era in the world's history let us flash-forward to today!

You see, the truth is this verse could be written about the world today. It easily could be written about the world and many of us on April 5, 2017! 

The reality is, we live in times where God is being more and more marginalized from our worldview while still claiming a natural inclination towards spirituality! And what is even more interesting is despite this marginalization, that there are more people today who say they believe in God or a higher power of some sort but who still live as if neither exists! 


Because as in the days of Samson and the judges of Israel, many of us still live today doing what "seems right" in our own eyes! And before you think that I am pointing my finger out at the world outside the church walls let me simply say to you that this verse is speaking about God's people! It is not talking about the culture surrounding the Israelites, although I am sure they were doing the same because the cultural influences around the church and its people have always had a profound effect on their wanderings! Still, it is the people of God that the author of the OT book of Judges is speaking about in this verse. It is the exact people that should have known better but couldn't seem to get it together!

However, the GOOD NEWS for us today is we are not like them! We have a KING!

Jesus Christ, our LORD and KING desires nothing less than to lead, guide, and direct our lives through the living Spirit of God in our lives! Which means, we are NOT alone in the journey of life and faith! We have the Spirit of God to witness to us, to lead us in the paths of righteousness, and to guide us in every circumstance and situation that we may find ourselves facing along life's roadway.

In other words, unlike the people in the days of Samson, who relied on him to lead them which was challenging to say the least, we have someone to follow who is faithful to lead us according to God's plans and purposes for our lives! We are a people with a KING who longs to lead us, guide us, direct us, and grow us as His people!

BUT it is up to us to SEEK Him daily so that we can be in TUNE with Him. Rather than doing what the world around us does, and that is aimlessly wandering around day-by-day seeking to do what seems right to them. Only to find that what seems RIGHT all too often turns out to be the wrong path, a path that leads to more and more wanderings in desert lands!

Seeking to FOLLOW the KING today,

Rev Trev

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