“The Kingdom of heaven is like this. A man happens to find a treasure hidden in a field. He covers it up again, and is so happy that he goes and sells everything he has, and then goes back and buys that field.” ~Matthew 13:44 GNT
Sometimes when I read this parable I am struck by many things that cause me to reflect on my own journey with Christ.
First, the kingdom of God sometimes comes our way when we least expect it... OR how we least expect it. This man 'happened' upon the treasure that is the kingdom of God... in other words he stumbled upon it by chance. Often in life and faith the kingdom of God comes upon us in ways we least expect, in a smile, in a hug, in a stranger, from a friend. God's kingdom is reflected in the lives of his people on this planet and far too often we as his people are too distracted by life and all it encompasses to reflect his light to the world around us... OR to see it in others when we really need it!
Secondly, after discovering the treasure he reburies it... so that he can go and sell all he has to secure the treasure for himself. Here is the tough part of this parable for me and that is... this man SOLD OUT for the kingdom. He sold everything and took that money to buy the field which came at a hefty price in order to secure the treasure for himself.
First, the kingdom of God sometimes comes our way when we least expect it... OR how we least expect it. This man 'happened' upon the treasure that is the kingdom of God... in other words he stumbled upon it by chance. Often in life and faith the kingdom of God comes upon us in ways we least expect, in a smile, in a hug, in a stranger, from a friend. God's kingdom is reflected in the lives of his people on this planet and far too often we as his people are too distracted by life and all it encompasses to reflect his light to the world around us... OR to see it in others when we really need it!
Secondly, after discovering the treasure he reburies it... so that he can go and sell all he has to secure the treasure for himself. Here is the tough part of this parable for me and that is... this man SOLD OUT for the kingdom. He sold everything and took that money to buy the field which came at a hefty price in order to secure the treasure for himself.
As I reflect on this reality, I have to ask myself... "Am I SOLD OUT... or half-heartedly engaged in living out God's calling on my life?"
Now, I know this will be reflected differently in many ways in each of our lives BUT I think this is one of the toughest questions we can ever ask ourselves because far too often we only engage God's plans and purposes for our lives and the lives of those around us half-heartedly!
The Kingdom of heaven is such that we often encounter it in unexpected ways... BUT when we are SOLD OUT for His plans and purposes I think we see Him at work in our lives and the world around us in such a way that can only be described as PRICELESS!
The Kingdom of heaven is such that we often encounter it in unexpected ways... BUT when we are SOLD OUT for His plans and purposes I think we see Him at work in our lives and the world around us in such a way that can only be described as PRICELESS!
Seeking the Kingdom…
Rev Trev
I have sometimes wondered that myself Trevor...Am I half heartedly engaged? When I am 1/2 hearted in the things I do...the further away I feel I am falling away from God. It's when I follow through on His plans whole heartedly, that I catch a glimpse of His beauty.
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