Well, it has been a long time since I last posted anything... life has been hectic and busy to say the least!
I hope and trust that all is well for all who read this weekly blog. I am attempting to be more diligent in updating it and keeping to my word when it comes to posting a weekly thought from God's Word that hopefully inspires and challenges us to walk closely with Him.
Today I just want to reflect on a piece of scripture that I read this morning as I spent time with God. In the wisdom collection known as Proverbs, the author Solomon writes theses words for us…
"There is a path before each person that seems right, but it ends in death."
Proverbs 14:12 NLT
Now... the original word that Solomon uses that the translators of the New Living Translation Bible translate into "path" is the word "deh'-rek" which also means "journey" OR "direction" OR "habit" OR "course of life". It is a rich word image for many of us to consider as we make our way through this thing called life as we know it.
You see… as I read these words I was challenged to ponder what "path"... what "habit"... what "course of life" I might be travelling on at this time in my life. So often we can get caught up in things around us or we can find ourselves walking in directions that seem so right… and so true… so noble… and even honorable in our own minds. BUT these paths can also be deceptive IF they cause us to walk in ways that are either against God’s Word or His leading in our lives!
Sometimes things that seem so good… can often turn out to be so sour and bitter in the end. That is the image that Solomon alludes to in this little verse in the 14th chapter of the book of Proverbs. That is why we constantly need to be placing our stuff… and our desires before God in prayer and allowing Him to show us through His Spirit where we are walking in line with Him… and where we are walking in our own plans and purposes. You see… our path may seem like the right path BUT if it is not in line with what God is calling us to… or what He is asking us to do… it can be a path of our own making and that is a dangerous slope that so many of us can get caught up in… including yours truly!
So, today I pray that as you go about your day that you will consider Solomon's words… and that you will take some time today or in the next day or two to sit down with God and have a conversation with Him about these profound words that Solomon records for us. It can be as simple as asking God to reveal to you the paths of your own making… and when He does what all of us need to do is make a U-turn or a change in direction so we can again align ourselves with His Will and His leading for our lives as His people on this wonderful planet!
Blessings to all,
Rev Trev
Lead Pastor
Discovery Church of Ridge Meadows
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